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Is your recent reno cost this high too?! Share your house type and renovation costs here!

Last reply was ago
by Serena

So I just got back two sky high quotes from interior design firms X & Y for my 4-room resale HDB around 93sqm, and I'm kinda shocked lah. They're asking for an arm and a leg for basic works! Our requirements are to have flooring, functional kitchen cabinets, some entry way storage, wardrobes for master and have both bathrooms fitted. We have no carpentry in our common bedrooms too.

Hacking: $9-10k

Carpentry: $18k+

Painting:  $3k+

Plumbing: $4k+

Electrical: $7-8k

Miscellaneous: $5 to 6K

Both quotes tota; are like $65-80k?> Way above my budget.

Considering I still need to spend (splurge) on furniture and appliances. And to be fair, don’t think the designs I’m asking for are too complicated.

Is this really what the market looks like now, or am I just unlucky with the IDs i met? attached my floor plan also.

Ng Wei Ting
by Ng Wei Ting

Eh, the prices you mentioned look ex! My friends did their places up not too long ago, and none of them mentioned numbers that high. Aside from carpentry works which varies from each home's requirements, their basic electrical works were like around $3k-ish and plumbing up to $3k-ish. Their painting jobs were quite extensive tho as they selected some premium paint from Benjamin Moore, which cost them around 5K+

by Pakoball

These prices sounds crazy if compare to those quotes from 2 years ago before all the inflation BS kicks in. I remember I did my 4-room upgrade back then, it wasn't even close to what you're being quoted, probably like 45K can get a functional and no frills reno.

It might be worth it to look into more comprehensive package deals or consider which parts of your reno you can DIY to save some cash, e.g. painting and some electrical/plumbing works if you do not have complex false ceiling.

by Serena

Thanks for the advice guys, I would be looking to get more quotes first. Most friends I spoke to met with around 5 to 7 IDs before finalising on one. It seemed that every ID have their own habits and practice of going about the renovation, which also results in vastly different pricings.

Some ID i spoke mentioned that I can overlay my bathroom tiles directly, which some mentioned that for a 7 years old resale HDB it is necessary to hack and redo to ensure waterproofing works good.

Seemed like we gonna have to speak to more.

by starlight8078

Not just for resale HDBs, but condo renovation costs have also spiked. Generally from what i hear-say around the increase is around 20 to 30% (crazy i know). Contractors and IDs are claiming that these are from "lack of manpower" and "materials increase due to inflation", but god knows if they are just chopping carrots for profits considering Singaporeans are so willing to spend huge sums on renovation.

Chris Designs
by Chris Designs

Hey Serena, saw the numbers you've been quoted – they do seem on the high side! As an ID previously who have been designing spaces for more than 10 years, I believe making spaces can be functional, stylist while still being affordable. Don't be afraid to speak to more IDs, most would love to share their design insights.

Is your recent reno cost this high too?! Share your house type and renovation costs here!

Updated on 28 February 2024