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Beware of this online lighting shop (lightshop.com.sg)

by ellen_tan

Hi everyone, would like to place a warning here not to buy from this online shop. It is a bogus shop that doesn't really exist in Singapore even though they put a half-completed address which I realised that later.

The goods are premium price and when I received them, they were dented, badly scratched. When I reached out to the WhatsApp line, they accused me of spoiling them during my installation. Point is, we didn't even install them. We took them out from the package which was clear in the videos. Basically, they would not accept responsibilities, not to even mention refund.

And because they don't have a real address here, the courts cannot issue them notification.

Now I am seeking legal advice to see how this website can be shut.

Beware of this online lighting shop (lightshop.com.sg)

Updated on 1 December 2023