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How can I post a review on Hometrust?

You can sign up for an account and search for a renovation firm to start writing a review.

How does Hometrust rank firms?

We rank firms based on the information provided from user feedback. Our algorithm is based on three key ingredients: the quality, quantity, and recency of reviews.

Why should I trust Hometrust reviews?

All reviews are written by members of our community, and go through our automatic and manual screening to filter suspicious content. Fake reviews, spam and content unrelated to the content experience will be systematically removed. Firms who break our content integrity guidelines will have their ranking penalised.

Does Hometrust remove negative reviews?

No, Hometrust does not remove negative reviews. We know that homeowners rely heavily on reviews when making renovation decisions. Hometrust will never allow businesses to influence ratings or even remove reviews. We do not accept solicited or paid content.

Hometrust will only remove spam, fake and content irrelevant to the renovation experience. If you see a questionable review, please report it and include any information that we can independently verify. Please note, however, that Hometrust don't typically take sides in factual disputes and generally allow Hometrusters to stand behind their reviews.

I am a firm representative and I suspect that a non-customer has written a review regarding my firm. What can I do?

If you feel that you a review is not genuine, please click "report" on the indicated review, or contact us here.

I see content are spam or unrelated to the renovation experience, what can I do?

You can flag content (by clicking on the report button) or contact us about posts that violate our content guidelines.